Bringing the Pygora herd to North Dakota was no small feat. We hope our efforts will allow you to include these friendly, playful, curious creatures in your life! Hopefully, a midwest connection will omit the expensive transport charges to obtain this wonderful breed.
Bucks and Sires
Cowlitz River Cash # 20-27M
BORN: 4-11-2020 – died 11-1-2023
COLOR: Caramel
FLEECE: Caramel B
Retired Fall 2024 Cowlitz River Cash is no longer on our farm.
SIRE: Cowlitz River Flibert’s Memory
16-29M Brown Caramel B
DAM: Cowlitz River Calysta
18-70F White A
To Date: Cash arrived on our Farm in July 2021. He took over as head buck and sired 8 kids our first kidding season. We were so excited to get the herd started that we started kidding in December 2021, exactly 5 months after Cash arrived! Update: Cash sired 3 bucklings this year. We have permanently retired Cowlitz River Cash. Cash is no longer on our farm.
Sunshine Pygoras Turbo # 21-5M
BORN: 3-12-2021 Died: 7-12-2024
COLOR: Solid Black
SIRE: Red Flower Farm Looks Like Trouble
19-18M Solid Black B
DAM: Sunshine Pygoras Cookies & Cream
19-132F Black Agouti B
To Date: Fall 2022 was Turbo’s first time pairing up with our mature does. Spring 2023 produced 5 bucklings and a doe from 4 different does. We wethered the bucklings. Bernice and Eve were some of our first does born on our farm. We bred them in 2023 to Turbo and re-homed them to a new farm. In the summer of 2024 we introduced a new buck on our farm. This buck was 5 years old at the time he joined our farm. Turbo and Clark were good pasture companions until one day in a freak head-butting exercise, Turbo broke his neck. We have one doe from the same lineage as Turbo; Sunshine Pygoras Grace. Red Flower Farm- Looks Like Trouble sired both Turbo and Grace.
Dakota Pygoras Norman
BORN: 12-21-2021
COLOR: Brown Agouti
FLEECE: Caramel B
SIRE: Cowlitz River Cash
20-27M Caramel B
DAM: Little Hawk Farm Elizabeth
19-49F Light Caramel C
To Date: Norman is our first buckling born on our farm. He has a calm and gentle personality. He was given much attention during his first months on our farm, with winter keeping him in the protection of the pole barn with his mother and twin sister Lucille. Update: 2024 Norman sired 3 doeling kids. Norman has moved to a new farm summer 2024.
Does and Dames
Little Hawk Farm Elizabeth
BORN: 3-11-2019
COLOR: Light Caramel
FLEECE: Caramel C
SIRE: Hawks Mountain Ranch Rooster
12-21 M White A
DAM: Hawks Mountain Ranch Tiger Lilly
12-71F Solid Black Grey B
To Date: Liza’s first time kidding produced twins – buckling Norman and doeling Lucille on 12-21-2021. We were so new to kidding and breeding; we just thought that 5 months after you put your doe in with the buck, you will have kids. Twins were born exactly 5 months later! (dumb luck). Liza has been a very good mother and has been able to stay with her doeling all summer. We separated Norman from her in July 2021.
Update: Spring 2023 Elizabeth(we call her Liza) kidded twins. One of the twins died before birth. The live birth produced an adorable black doeling we call Annabelle. She is solid black with white frosted ears and 2 half circles of white over her nose. Her Sire is Sunshine Pygoras Turbo #21-5M
Turbo is solid black with brown fleece B
Tiger Lilly
Hawks Mountain Ranch Tiger Lilly
BORN: 4-13-2012 Died 12-6-2024
COLOR: Solid Black w/wht spot R side
SIRE: Hawk Mountain Ranch Hot Dog
10-32M Black B
DAM: Hawks Mountain Ranch Lollipop Kid
09-103F Light Grey Agouti B
To Date: New herd owners, we simply thought Tiger Lilly would be too old to conceive, so we simply had her in with the entire herd with bucks all summer of 2021. In February, she surprised us with a set of outstanding twins, Bernice #22-26F and Journey. We purchased her with 2 other mature does. As she came with the package, we simply thought we would take good care of her as she is the mother of our prize doe Liza (Little Hawk Farm Elizabeth). Little did we know, she would be the one taking care of us!
Update Spring 2023: Paired with Sunshine Pygoras Turbo#21-5M; Tiger Lilly kidded a solid black buckling 3-31-2023. We have named him Midnight as he kept this herd owner up into the wee hours of the night when he was born. He was a large buckling and Tiger Lilly needed assistance during birthing as his position was his back feet coming out first. The joy that was felt when Midnight was pulled into the light of the barn and the instant rubbing and cleaning him off brought him gasping for air and crying for his momma!
After that difficult birth we were sure Tiger Lilly would be fully retired from kidding. She convinced us otherwise and in the spring of 2024 we paired her with Norman. September 7, 2024 Tiger Lilly kidded a healthy doeling Little Lilly.
We could tell Tiger Lilly was failing as the winter turned cold and Little Lilly became fully weaned. The week of December 6th, Tiger Lilly layed down never to get up. We contacted our vet and got the encouragement we needed to care for her in her last days. Keeping her under a warming lamp, layering her with towels and blankets and making sure she had dog-puppy pads under her to eliminate her laying in her waste, we were able to hand feed her treats like raw peanuts in the shell and pieces of pumpkin. She also took warm water with molasses. On the morning of December 6th, surrounded by her herd with the barn cats laying next to her, Tiger Lilly took her last breath. She was 12 1/2 years old, had kidded 7 kids, and was one of our favorite herd members.
Sunshine Pygora Grace# 21-12F
BORN: 2-7-2021
COLOR: Grey Agouti
SIRE: Red Flower Farm Looks Like Trouble
19-18M Solid Black B
DAM: Great Lakes Pygoras Sassy Pants
13-27F Light Grey Agouti B
To Date: Our curious and very vocal Grace rules the farm! She was a triplet. We brought her to our farm along with her sister Spirit on Mother’s day 2021. The plan was to breed her for her first-time fall of 2022. Grace has other plans! As our mature doe, Liza must have trained with Houdini; we discovered Grace must have followed her into the buck pen as Grace gave birth to twins the same week Liza did! Grace has been an excellent mother, and we plan on breeding her to Norman in the fall of 2022.
Spring 2023 update: Grace kidded on 3-25-2023 giving us twin bucklings. Oscar is a light grey with dark grey markings down his back and around his face. Magnus is a solid black buckling. Grace’s heritage sure could be the reason the kids look nothing like Norman. We are still doing the goat math to determine if there could have been a chance that Turbo claimed the Sire title. Grace is a bit of a nervous mother; however this is the 2nd year she kidded all on her own with no assistance from us. She is much calmer than last year and she is being a great momma.
Little Hawk Farm Denarii Wren
BORN: 3-17-2016
COLOR: Brown Caramel
SIRE: Hawk Mountain Ranch Indigo
14-17M-W Solid Black
DAM: Hawks Mountain Ranch Penny Wren
12-70F Medium Brown Caramel B
To Date: 2021 Wren continued to keep us waiting. No kids. We tried to breed her in late summer 2022. She found a way out of the buck pasture. She is leary of us, and we are not sure what happened to her in the past. She arrives for peanut treats and, once in the stanchion, will let us trim her hooves and shear her. Her fleece is abundant and luxurious. We will continue to attempt to breed her, and she may surprise us yet.
Spring 2023 update:
Sunshine Pygoras Turbo was mated with Wren in the fall of 2022. 3-30-2023 Wren delivered twin bucklings. Both bucklings are solid black.
Dakota Pygoras Lucille #21-125F
BORN: 12-21-2021
COLOR: Caramel
FLEECE: Caramel B
SIRE: Cowlitz River Cash
20-27M Caramel B
DAM: Little Hawk Farm Elizabeth
19-49F Caramel C
To Date: Lucille was the first kid born on our farm. She is a twin to Norman, our first buckling born on our farm. We plan to line breed her to Cash in the fall of 2023. We will consider Turbo, pending the outcome of our match-up with Turbo and Lucille’s Dam. Liza in the fall of 2022. Lucille is very tame and was fond of coming and just sitting on my lap when she was small.
We are planning on line-breeding her to Cowlitz river Cash #20-27M in the fall of 2023.
Eve- SOLD - idea - we sold her as a bred doe
Dakota Pygoras Eve # 21-126F
BORN: 12-24-2021
COLOR: White
Photo of Eve in full fleece
SIRE: Cowlitz River Cash
20-27M Caramel B
DAM: Sunshine Pygora Grace
21-12F Grey Agouti B
To Date: Notice how we do not have a good photo of Eve? We were in a rhythm of shearing, trimming hooves, getting their annual CDT vaccinations done, and guess what? We forgot to take a decent photo of Eve! Eve is pre-registered, and we need to redo a sample of her fiber. We will do that when we can take a new picture of her in full fleece. All this takes time. Eve is a twin. She has never been separated from her momma or twin brother Eden (wethered). We plan on having her bred in the fall of 2023.
Bernice- idea- we sold her as a bred doe
Dakota Pygoras Bernice #22-26F
BORN: 2-5-2022
COLOR: Caramel
FLEECE: Caramel B
SIRE: Cowlitz River Cash
20-27M Caramel B
DAM: Hawks Mountain Ranch Tiger Lilly
12-71F Solid Black
To Date: Bernice is a twin to a buckling we named Journey. Tiger Lilly is their mother. We were surprised and delighted when Tiger Lilly gave birth to healthy twin kids in February 2022. Journey has been sold to another local fiber farmer. We are planning to have Bernice bred in the fall of 2023. You can tell that Bernice is not our first kid by the lack of photos!
Blackberry Blossom Farm Nellie # 22-32F
BORN: 3-12-2022
COLOR: Solid Black
FLEECE: TBD (Fleece sample to be sent to PBA)
SIRE: Hawks Mountain Ranch Reuben
20-20M Brown Agouti B
DAM: Gun Plain Pygoras Lacey
19-38F Medium Caramel B
To Date: Long story… To begin our herd, I looked for a young yet mature doe that I would be able to breed the very first fall they would be on our farm. My searching found Gun Plain Pygoras out of Michigan. The mother of Nellie was one that I was to purchase. The state of North Dakota has super strict animal health rules. Did you know that once upon a time, a herd of deer had TB in the Northern area of Michigan? This meant that for me to legally purchase Lacey and two other does from the Michigan herd, I would have to evidence the entire herd had been tested for TB. The herd was large, the expense way beyond my budget and the timing would have put me back a year. I moved on. Audra Otto, the breeder that I purchased Nellie from, let me reserve a kid from Lacey. YES, Lacey, the doe I originally was going to bring to North Dakota! Audra had purchased Lacey once I was not able to seal the deal. So, I have my bloodline start from the herd from Michigan. Nellie will be bred to our awesome buck Turbo in the fall of 2023. We can hardly wait to see the fiber results of these 2 amazing goats! Thanks Audra (breeder of Nellie) and thanks Nan (breeder of Lacey)!
Researching Nellie’s background instead of breeding her in the fall of 2023 to Turbo (our black buck); we may have a change of plans and pair her with Cowlitz River Cash. This may produce that gorgeous cinnamon-caramel. We will take the summer to decide.
Update: Nellie was bred to Norman. She kidded one doeling: Dakota Pygoras Farrell. Fleece: Caramel
Fall of 2024: Nellie has been paired with Clark. We expect kid/kids in April 2025.
Sunshine Pygoras Buckey # 21-6W
BORN: 3-3-2021
COLOR: Grey Agouti
SIRE: Red Flower Farm Looks Like Trouble
19-18M Solid Black B
DAM: Sunshine Pygoras Phoebe
18-62F Grey Agouti B
To Date: Buckeye produces type A fiber. His first shearing made us all stand back and say, “there is something very gorgeous about this goat’s fiber!” Having been a fiber farmer for less than a year, even I noticed this goat’s fiber flows in ringlets, it has a luster to it, and it has very little guard hair. Buckeye hangs out mainly with the does and their kids. Once in a while, we need to pair him up with a buck to make sure the buck is not alone. Goats should never be kept alone. They are herd animals, and they need to be together. Goats act very similarly to teenage girls in the act of being with a group at all times. They must have another goat to be with, or they will claim you as their herd and follow you around all day or cry out for you. Our goats are generally quiet until they see me and think they can convince me to come over and feed them a peanut (raw – unsalted peanuts in the shell are one of their favorites!) When he came to our farm, Buckeye was very leery of us. Time and many trips to the gate with peanuts have made this pleasant fellow a great buddy!
Dakota Pygoras Eden # 21-52W
BORN: 12-24-2021
COLOR: White
FLEECE: Caramel B
SIRE: Cowlitz River Cash
20-27M Caramel B
DAM: Sunshine Pygoras Grace
21-12F Grey Agouti B
To Date: Eden has not ever been separated from his original herd, his town sister Eve, or his Momma. Eden will make a great pairing whenever we need to separate a buck. He is buddies with the kid goats he grew up with in the winter of 2021 and will make a great companion when we put Norman, our buckling in with Grace.