Dakota Pygoras

Dakota Pygoras Fiber

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Pygora Fiber Types

Pygora fiber is categorized as either Type A, Type B, or Type C.

Type A

This fleece averages 6 inches in length, is long, lustrous, has ringlets, and should have very few guard hairs. The fiber is very fine, usually less than 28 microns, and feels silky, smooth, and cool to the touch. Type-A goats usually are shorn twice a year.

Similar to kid mohair fiber.

Type B

This fleece is a strong, lustrous fiber that is curly and very soft, and fine, testing below 24 microns on average. A type-B fleece averages 3-6 inches long and may have two types of guard hairs: an obvious, stiff guard hair and a silky guard hair. It is the uniquely Pygora fleece – very versatile, warm to the touch, and soft. Type-B goats usually are shorn twice a year. The fleece color usually is lighter than the guard hair color.

Combination of both mohair and cashmere characteristics.

Type C

This fleece is a matte fiber with crimp and a very short staple length (usually 1-3 inches). It has a very obvious, coarse guard hair and is warm to the touch. Type C is the finest of the three fleece types, usually below 18.5 microns, and can be as soft as fine cashmere. There is good separation between the guard hair and fleece. A type-C coat can be harvested by brushing, plucking, or shearing. The yield is small, but the effort is worth it. Type-C fleece is unbelievably soft. The fleece color is usually lighter than the guard hair color.

Similar to cashmere fiber.

No fleece type is better than the others; they just have different characteristics. All three fleece types should be de-haired to enjoy the full softness of the fiber.